You have made the excellent decision to receive college credit while taking your Launch Pad Class. Let’s go over a few of the details with this option.
Complete Both Registrations!
Step 1:
The link below will take you to NNU’s website where you can register for college credit. You will need the course title (Bible) and course code (BIBL1094). The instructor for this course is Launch Ministries. Write this down before you go!
Step 2:
Almost done! Follow this link to complete the Launch Pad registration process.
If you have completed BOTH registrations & paid your fees to BOTH LP & NNU, then you are done. NICE JOB! We’ll see you in class.
Important Items to Note
You will be receiving 1 elective college credit for each LP class you take. Credit is awarded through NNU, but generally can be transferred to a college/university of your choice, whether it be public or private.
Class attendance and participation are required. This is a PASS/FAIL course.
This is a partnership so the cost is very low. Total cost is $100. This includes your general LP course Fee.
$25— Launch Ministries Payment
$75 — NNU College Credit Payment